The one-on-one guidance you’ve been craving +
the expertise you need…
Coaching with Lisa
Ministry Coaching
Whether you’re leading in a church, non-profit organization, start-up or digital setting, have you ever wished you could learn from someone who’s just a few steps ahead of you? Someone who intimately understands the unique challenges of ministry life, but also has the experience and wisdom you can trust to take you and your organization to the next level? In one—on-one Ministry Coaching, Lisa assists with growth strategies, conflict management, personal development, intern implementation, and other areas to help you flourish in ministry life.
High-Level Book Coaching
Whether you’re a first-time or seasoned author, writing can be a lonely and challenging process. Friends and family can be supportive of your journey to write a book, but they can’t offer the seasoned, high-level feedback, guidance and advice you need to give you the best steps to move forward. You need someone who has not only been in the industry for years but remains on the cutting-edge of current trends and best-practices in a changing literary culture. In one-on-one High Level Book Coaching, Lisa works with you through the crucial aspects of everything from formation and concept phase of your book project to titling, crafting your message and developing your marketing position.

Get the personalized feedback, accountability, and coaching you need to move your goals forward.
Does this sound familiar?
When explaining your goals or challenges to colleagues, family members, or friends, they may empathize, but they can never fully understand your situation or offer the guidance you’re craving.
You want to make the most of your time and resources by investing in what actually works. No more “DIY” or experimentation. You want expert guidance from someone who has actually done what you want to do.
You’ve worked hard to get to where you are – but it’s mostly been a solo journey. You’d love to have another person keep you accountable, challenge you, and show you how to take things to a higher level.
You feel God stirring you to take action on the dreams and the plans He’s laid on your heart. No more waiting around. No more excuses. No more procrastination. It’s finally time to put things in motion!
This isn’t just a hobby
Not only do you feel “called” to this work, but you have a deep passion to make a lasting impact. You’re committed to do whatever it takes to reach your goals because you know this is worthy, Kingdom work.
You recognize your God-given gifts, talents and abilities, but you also recognize your limitations. You’re ready to strengthen those weak areas and put in the hard work to make a difference!
This is
your time.
If you hear that small, still voice in your head saying, “This is your time…” don’t put your dreams on hold one day longer! The Coaching Application process takes less than 5 minutes to complete and requires no initial payment or long-term commitment. We want to hear from you and cheer you on!
What people are saying…
Take the first step…
Coaching applications are open seasonally with limited spaces available. Contact us to discuss pricing, see what’s included, and explore if coaching with Lisa is right for you!