The hard good book
See the good, again, even after hard times.
What does it feel like to come back from something hard, to be able to hope again? Hard things are a part of life. Yet they don’t have to have the final word. They can become the keys to our greatest usability in the kingdom of God—that is, if we let God make good of them, rather than running away and refusing the growth we truly crave.
If we’re weary of being bossed by our emotions, the hard good can help bring a new way of living with healthy, managed emotions.
Go from what if to what is. Change your perspective. Emerge with a richer life.
The Hard Good Book and Bible Study now available!

“Smartest purchase ever! I've taken so many notes...this has been the most relatable book I've read in my entire life!"
- Pamela

Listen to Chapter Three of The Hard Good for Free:
“Showing Up When You Want to Shut Down"

Let’s Show up… Together!
God’s intention for all of us is that He would do a great work in and through us while we are here on earth. That we would become used by Him for a powerful Kingdom purpose. But just like King Saul in the book of 1 Samuel, we can inhibit God’s plan by our unwillingness to sit with God through the uncomfortable process of transformation.
We might think that the reason we never get anywhere in life is because life is too hard. But this is just one of the myths we hold to that hinders the spiritual potential we have. As we learn a new way of holding steady instead of being consumed by bossy emotions, remain strong rather than hide or deflect, we become wildly used for the Kingdom of God.
Have you taken my free quiz?
When life gets hard, how do you respond?
No matter what hard things you’ve been through, your emotions are excellent signposts for where you need to heal. The trouble comes when these emotions begin to take control of how you act—I call these “bossy emotions”.
Take this quiz to see which of the bossy emotions might be controlling you or threatening to—and learn how you can respond in a better, healthier way.