Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle

JOE S8E35 - Forgotten Ways to Serve God: Parents & Grandparents

Today's show topic is tender for many. In the forgotten ways to serve God, the ministry and service to our parents and grandparents is often over-looked because it often feels burdensome and taxing. Jesus is asking us to be His hands and feet in serving our parents and grandparents in the latter stages of their lives. This show will inspire you.

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Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle

JOE S8E34 - Lisa + Friends: Cheryl Luke

As Lisa continues her series on forgotten ways to serve God, she welcomes her friend, Cheryl Luke to the show today. Cheryl served the local church for 30 years and recently started the non-profit The Mosaic Life. Listen in as Lisa and Cheryl remember their trip to the border, talk about church hurt vs. abuse and how celebrate recovery changed Cheryl's life.

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Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle

JOE S8E33 - Forgotten Ways to Serve God: The Local Church

Lisa is taking us way back today to discuss ministry that is right under your nose in the everyday, as she continues to discuss the forgotten ways we can serve God this month on JOE. The local church is one of the greatest impact we can have when serving the kingdom of God.

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Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle

JOE S8E32 - Lisa + Friends: Mark Roye

Lisa welcomes a family friend, Mark Roye to the show today. Mark has served the city of San Antonio, TX for over 20 years as the founding director of Somebody Cares San Antonio, and BloodnFire San Antonio. He has traveled the world, as well as arrives on scenes after natural disasters to serve the community in need.

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Lisa Whittle Lisa Whittle

JOE S8E30 - Lisa + Friends: Angela Mitchell

This month Lisa is talking to people she has hand picked to talk about forgotten ways to serve God, and today, she welcomes her friend Angela Mitchell into her office studio. This conversation between real life, church friends is filled with emotion and inspiration for how God draws close to the brokenhearted during a grief journey.

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