Lisa + Friends: Madison Prewett Trout - Rejection That Leads to Redirection
You may know her as one of the most beloved contestants on The Bachelor, but Lisa’s conversation with bestselling author and speaker Madison Prewett Troutt will take you to unexpected places! In discussing Madison’s new book, The Love Everybody Wants, Madison reveals the gift she desperately wanted to exchange, the three things she learned in her singleness, and her thoughts on rejection and social media. Whether married, single, or in between relationships – there is something for everyone in this episode!

Lisa Unfiltered: The 3-Word Lie You Tell Yourself
How many lies do we tell ourselves on a daily basis? Lisa explores one of the simplest, yet most powerful lies we tell ourselves, and it all boils down to three words. Lean in close as Lisa shares her unfiltered thoughts on feeling ready versus being ready, as well as thoughts on having the ability to change versus the choice to change. Don't let the rug be pulled out from underneath you - you can overcome this 3-word lie!

Lisa + Friends: Dr. Curt Thompson on the Connection Between Suffering, Purpose, and Imagination
If we’re honest, we all want our lives to be free from pain and suffering. In fact, the world often tells us that being pain-free is the ultimate goal. But… what if suffering actually serves a different purpose and goal? Lisa talks with Dr. Curt Thompson, psychiatrist, speaker and author, about his most recent book, The Deepest Place, about suffering as the key to changing our brain and reshaping our imagination. In a world of disappointments and hurts, this conversation offers much-needed hope and perspective!

Lisa Unfiltered: Jesus and Therapy: Who Really Saves Us?
Have you wondered if it's okay for Christians to seek out counseling or visit a therapist? Is there any reason believers should be wary of mental health resources? Where does our ultimate healing take place? Lisa shares her unfiltered thoughts on this, along with the difference between motives of secular culture and faith culture. Listen in to discover how we as believers can pursue strong, healthy minds with Jesus squarely in the center of our hearts.

Lisa + Friends: Sissy Goff on Managing Anxiety in Our Homes
Can parents truly be worry free? Is my child's struggle with anxiety normal? Is anxiety contagious? Lisa's conversation with author and therapist, Sissy Goff, will have you hitting replay more than once on this powerful episode. Sissy's new book, The Worry Free Parent, focuses on not only the anxiety we experience as parents, but also on the anxiety our children experience. With tangible resources and action steps for parents and children, this episode brings hope for every family member.

Lisa Unfiltered: Are Good Men Underrated?
What does Satan want us to believe about men? And are we listening? Lisa unpacks the pervasive idea that culture is devaluing men. From jokes and memes to swinging the pendulum too far to fix past wrongs, Lisa goes there.