Unhelpful Things Christians Say: God Showed Up
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: God Showed Up

There have most likely been times in your life when you have felt God's presence more than others. Maybe it's been in church, at a conference/retreat, during worship, or even in a crisis. When these moments occur how do you explain it to someone else? Do you use a familiar phrase when sharing, 'God showed up'? Lisa pulls back the layers in this short and simple phrase and shares some inaccuracies that we might not have thought of before today. Tune in to find out!

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Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Everything Happens for a Reason
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Everything Happens for a Reason

Over time someone has probably said this to you, or maybe you've said it yourself, 'everything happens for a reason.' Is this really true? Lisa shares two thoughts on why we might have used this common phrase. Can God take the ugliest of things and work them together for good? You'll want to listen to the very end as Lisa shares the verse that gives a resounding yes to this question.

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Unhelpful Things Christians Say: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle

You've probably heard the familiar phrase, “God won't give you more than you can handle.” Where in the Bible is this found, or is it even there? In a world where we will experience both the hard and the good, God's love for us never changes. We have a way out and it all comes down to one thing...where we put our hope.

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Post JOE Shopping Fast
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

Post JOE Shopping Fast

Welcome to the post shopping fast show - you did it! What now? A change in mindset happens when you areaware that the appetite for the things you have given up might be lingering. But, don't be anxious moving forward as Lisa shares three valuable tips for a successful transition off your fast that you don't want to miss.

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JOE Shopping Fast: Success
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

JOE Shopping Fast: Success

Congratulations, you've crossed the finish line in the final episode of the JOE Shopping Fast! The success you experience will be found through staying in the journey and moving forward with God. Lisa will share two things that will keep you in the journey and choosing a Jesus over everything lifestyle. Your success will happen by determining to give your life over to God. Is your current life built for spiritual success?

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JOE Shopping Fast: Consecration
Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle Jesus Over Everything, Podcast Lisa Whittle

JOE Shopping Fast: Consecration

The world tells you to live for yourself and do what feels right in your own eyes. But, what does a life consecrated to God look like as we enter week five of the JOE Shopping Fast series? The reordering and reprioritizing process is an important part of making a lifestyle change and putting Jesus first. Are you ready to dedicate your life to serving God and not pleasing you?

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