Unhelpful Things Christians Say: When One Door Closes, Another One Opens
“When one door closes, another door opens.” Someone has likely said this to you at some point or vice versa. It does sound amazing that there is another door right next to the one that closed. Or maybe it's a door that offers the promise of a better opportunity. But in real life, some doors close without another door opening. That is the reality of life as we live in a broken and imperfect world. Listen as Lisa shares about a future and hope that we can trust where a door will always be open.

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Beautiful Daughter of God
It's true...we are fearfully and wonderfully made, loved by God and yes, a “beautiful daughter of God.” But, we don't want to get stuck on this one phrase and miss out diving deeper into our spiritual lives. Moving forward, we step away from a self-focused gospel and towards God. How can we be more fulfilled as a “beautiful daughter of God?” Listen in to find out!

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Come Quickly Lord Jesus
When we use our words, do we always mean what we say? "Come quickly Lord Jesus" may be a phrase that you've spoken boldly out loud, or quietly whispered in desperation. In a world that changes by the minute and where tragedy appears to be magnified across the globe we reach for these words of rescue. Do we crave God, or do we want Him to rescue us from the mess of the world around us? In the middle of it all, what is truly God's greatest desire is for us?

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Blessed
#Blessed. We've all used that a time or two when posting on social media. Or maybe it has come up in a conversation with friends. Are we using this word lightly when we talk with others? Lisa will share a few ways that our views around the word “blessed” are developed over time. Being blessed doesn't have to do with luck, God having favorites, or Him wanting to heap wealth on to someone. Let's listen in for what kind of behavior results in kingdom rewards and blessed favor.

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: God Showed Up
There have most likely been times in your life when you have felt God's presence more than others. Maybe it's been in church, at a conference/retreat, during worship, or even in a crisis. When these moments occur how do you explain it to someone else? Do you use a familiar phrase when sharing, 'God showed up'? Lisa pulls back the layers in this short and simple phrase and shares some inaccuracies that we might not have thought of before today. Tune in to find out!

Unhelpful Things Christians Say: Everything Happens for a Reason
Over time someone has probably said this to you, or maybe you've said it yourself, 'everything happens for a reason.' Is this really true? Lisa shares two thoughts on why we might have used this common phrase. Can God take the ugliest of things and work them together for good? You'll want to listen to the very end as Lisa shares the verse that gives a resounding yes to this question.