As I was writing The Hard Good in 2020, the Lord impressed on me that I would need some cheerleaders and supporters to walk through the book process with me. Not just on social media, but on a personal level. I wanted to gather my friends in a close, intimate space where I could share honestly and vulnerably about my experience as an author, but also offer them real-time insight, best practices and tips on writing. The LW Write Club was born, and ever since, this private little community has been so dear to my heart!
Since it began, we've never opened up to new members...until now.
My 9th book is on it's way to the printer(cue smiling and squealing), and I'd love for you to join this hands-on community of encouragers! Through private emails, raw videos and Q&A sessions, (Think Lisa’s writing video diary! ☺️), you'll be able to go behind the scenes with me to learn all about the book promotion and launch process. (PLUS, be among the first to see the book title, book cover and much more for this new 9th release - coming April of 2023!)
There's no price or fee to join the club, just your commitment to pray and support, so click below to join today!